Recent Performance

For the 12 months to 31 March 2023, our platinum recommendations showed a profit at the time of sale 100% of the time. When we recommend a sell, the average return has been 15.4%.

We are measuring performance at the sell where it counts - so there will be times when you are losing money on paper. In fact, most will lose money for a while until the mathematical prediction is realised and the gain is made. No one in the world comes close to being as accurate as Stock Nostradamus!

Let's review some recent results.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

The panic as a result of the corona virus and expectations of a housing crash caused bank stocks to fall dramatically. Stock Nostradamus made this buy recommendation during this time of maximum uncertainty in March 2020. This recommendation made our investors more than a 58% return.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank (BEN) 58% Return(5)

Splitit Payments

Splitit (SPT) is a buy now, pay later company.  It allows consumers to split payments using their existing credit line.

Recent History. In January 2022 a new CEO was appointed.  Nandan Sheth has great experience.  SPT also announced that Google customers would be able to use instalment plans to make purchases from the Google Store in Japan. This is the first time this payment method has been an option to its customers. But the price continued to fall.

Our recommendation to buy came on 18 March, at 17 cents.  Using our volatility indexes we knew it was a great time to buy.  Over the coming weeks the price reached its bottom.

At the April 28 AGM the new CEO said the future was bright.  Revenue, active e-shoppers and merchants had all grown.  Splitit had net cash and shareholders approved a credit facility at the AGM.

All good news but what lit a flame under the share price was that the Google partnership could be expanded to Google’s USA customers.  Investors got excited and the share price ran up!

Our mathematical recommendation was a sell at 26.5c. That’s a gain of 55% in the 6 weeks since the buy.  We didn’t need to understand what was going on behind the scenes. We don’t need to wait to see what comes next.  Our recommendations made a great return for our clients.  And now we have moved on to the next buying opportunity.

Stock Nostradamus does all the work so you don’t have to!

Splitit Payments (SPT) 55%+ Return

Fortescue Metals

Fortescue Metals (FMG), an iron ore producer, reached a share price high in July 2021 when iron ore prices were at record highs of US$220 per tonne. From that point, the iron ore price began to really fall. Stock Nostradamus recommended our clients buy FMG at $14.41 on 21 October 2021 when the commodity had fallen almost 50%. Within 2 weeks the iron ore price bottomed at US$90 per tonne and began rising.

Since the buy recommendation, supply and demand for iron ore have caused a far more favourable price for the ore. The price of the commodity is now at a 3-month high due to FMG benefiting from higher commodity pricing. On 10 January 2022, Stock Nostradamus recommended selling at $20.69 bringing our clients a 42% return in less than 3 months.

Fortescue Metals Limited (FMG) 42% Return(3)

Star Entertainment Group

The casino operator, Star Entertainment (SGR), was a buy on June 28, 2022.  Within a month Stock Nostradamus issued a sell on 26 July 2022.  This is a profit of 10%. Not a bad return in a month but what is important is the sell.  It happened to be 3 days before the financial results on 29 July, 2022 which heralded the start of the price slide.  Furthermore the review of Star Sydney operations was very negative in early September, 2022.  Its almost a perfect sell, pocketing a profit along the way!

Star Entertainment (SGR) sold before review

OZ Minerals

Stock Nostradamus recommended buying OZL on the 20 June 2022. At that time there weren't any rumors of a takeover offer which ultimately came in early August 2022 from BHP.  The price then jumped and we recommended selling on the 29th of August making our clients a 30% profit in just 2 months.

OZ Minerals (OZL) 30% Return(4)

Virtus Health

Virtus Health (VRT) provides fertility care and related specialised diagnostic and day hospital services. On 24 August 2021 VRT raised $35m of new capital at $6.80 in the institutional market. Part of the proceeds were for an acquisition it announced soon afterwards. The ACCC ultimately investigated and brought an injunction to stop the acquisition settlement until an investigation and hearing was completed.

Stock Nostradamus recommended a buy at $5.14 in the days before this decision. What caused Stock Nostradamus to buy wasn’t just that the stock should rise once the acquisition was abandoned. On 14 December 2021, an offer to buy VRT was made at $7.10. The price rocketed from $5.00 to be $7.00 on the day of the offer. Stock Nostradamus kept holding for a few more weeks, finally selling on 11 January 2022 for $6.69 with a 30% gain in just 10 weeks.

Virtus Health Limited (VRT) 30% Return(2)

Beach Energy

Stock Nostradamus recommended buying this stock at $1.065 on the 19th of August 2021 after their disappointing full-year result. Reserve bank downgrades had caused a large fall in BPT's price. After buying, oil prices maintained their strength despite OPEC limiting supply. The Beach Energy (BPT) price strengthened and Stock Nostradamus recommended selling on the 1st of November at $1.40.  A 32% gain in less than 3 months.

Beach Energy Limited (BPT) 32%+ Return(7)


Our recommendation to buy in May 2022 came at a time of turbulence in technology investing around the world. By the end of August 2022 our recommendation had made our investors 30% in only 3 months.  (This follows another 30% return in 2021 for Altium).

Altium Limited (ALU) 30% Return(2)

Resmed Inc (RMD)

Stock Nostradamus recommended buying on the 3rd of March 2021 at $24.73. The price had been falling from December to March and wasn’t looking good. This appeared to coincide with the $USD rising and peaking. After the buy recommendation, the USD moved sideways and then down just before the sell. Resmed earnings are 65% denominated in USD. The effect on profit and earnings is therefore significant. On the 18th of June we recommended to sell at $31.91, a 29% gain in 3.5 months.

Resmed Inc (RMD) - Return 29%(12)

 Genworth Mortgage Insurance (GMA)

Stock Nostradamus recommended buying GMA on the 23rd of June 2022 at $2.30. The price had fallen and there was concern about interest rates rising fast, housing affordability falling, property prices falling and doubt of borrower repayment capacity was growing.  On the 8th of August 2022 the sell was recommended booking a 29% gain in 6 weeks.

Genworth Mortgage Insurance (GMA) 29% Return(2)

Tassal Group

Australian salmon farming company, Tassal, has operations including hatching, farming, processing, sales and marketing of Atlantic salmon.  Tassal supplies salmon to both domestic and international markets.

Since recommending a Silver and Platinum buy the markets have not prized Tassal. The stock spent time “under water” and now the stock is being pursued for a takeover for its key assets. The proposed takeover offer from Canadas Cooke Inc may or may not be successful.  Shortly after the announcement was made Stock Nostradamus recommended to sell.  Our clients made more than enough to make up for time – even in a pretty tough market.

Tassal Group Limited (TGR) 17% Silver & 28% Platinum Return(1)

Splitit Limited

We recommended buying on the 15th of September 2021 at 37 cents and selling on the 27th of September 2021 at 44 cents for a 21.6% profit in just 12 days. This followed our platinum recommendation in 2020 for Splitit which made our investors a 60% return.

Splitit Limited (SPT) 21.6% Return(13)

IDP Education

IDP Education Limited is an international education organisation offering student placement in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the UK, Ireland and Canada. On December the 21st 2020, the price showed a lot of uncertainty. Our mathematical analysis recommended it was the time to buy. By the time the sell came 44 days later on February the 3rd 2021, the stock price had gained confidence and the volatility had settled. We took the opportunity to sell and make a 24% gain.

IDP Education Limited (IEL) 24% Return(15)

NRW Holdings

On June 24th 2021, Stock Nostradamus made a buy recommendation. Some positive contract awards were expected and the price rose quickly.  By July the 16th, we recommended investors sell and our investors pocketed a 20% return in just 3 weeks.

NRW Limited (NWH) 20.4% Return(11)


Webjet is a digital travel business spanning both global consumer and wholesale markets. This is an example of a stock which contained both a silver and a platinum recommendation. The silver recommendation was on January the 19th 2021. It lasted 51 days before we recommended that our investors sell on March the 11th 2021. The platinum recommendation lasted for 20 days before the sell recommendation was given on March the 11th. The return for each was more than 23%.

Webjet Limited - Silver and Platinum 20%+ Returns (8)

Silver Lake Resources

We bought Silver Lake (SLR) on 20 September 2021 at $1.32 and the gold miners share price was up almost immediately. Soon after the US Federal Reserve made comments about tapering its bond purchase program made a difference. Gold miners are seen as a safe haven in turbulent times.  Gold moved and so did Silver Lake!  The gold price rose from a low of US$1,726/t.oz on 29 September to now trade at US$1,780/t.oz on the 19th of October. When Stock Nostradamus recommended selling on the 19th of October at $1.64, the return was more than 20%, in 1 month.

Silver Lake Resources Limited (SLR) 20%+ Return(4)